4 ways to get started with customer feedback

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Whether you’ve just started your business or your company already has an established online reputation, acquiring and managing customer reviews can be quite a challenge. Entrepreneurs are particularly worried about negative comments from Internet users, though, as it turns out, completely needlessly. With the right approach, you can respond appropriately even to negative reviews and use them to attract loyal customers.

In the following article, we’ll look at how you can get more customer feedback and how you can use it effectively to build an excellent online reputation for your brand.

The Internet is full of opinions

Customers’ comments about a brand or its products and services can be found in many different places: 

  • The Google business card, 
  • the company’s social media profiles, 
  • dedicated review sites, 
  • marketplaces,
  • online catalogs. 

Of course, there are far more such places where Internet users publish their opinions. The role of online reviews is huge. As many as 93% of potential customers, according to a 2020 report by the OCCP, verify the opinions of other users before they decide to make a purchase online. So there is no doubt that Internet users trust the reviews of others and believe them to be impartial. 

Once companies start working with reviews, they usually see an increase in conversion rates and sales very quickly, and they can continuously improve their offerings thanks to the comments they get about their products and services. Marketers should not underestimate the potential inherent in reviews. Only one question arises: where to start?

Start by getting feedback

If your company already has a presence on several different user feedback platforms, it’s time to start soliciting reviews. After all, you can’t manage something that isn’t there. We’ve put together some tips for you to get lots of online feedback from your customers. 

  1. Ask customers for feedback

If you have already established a positive relationship with a customer, you can simply personally ask them to share their opinion about your product or service. The simplest solutions are usually the most effective. 

  1. Place invitations in your brick-and-mortar stores

Many companies or stores that have physical locations customers can visit place stickers or posters in various spots on the premises to encourage customers to give reviews. You can even put such a note at the bottom of the receipt.

  1. Provide customers with exceptional service 

Most Internet users do not give reviews for average or decent impressions. You are much more likely to receive a review if the customer sees that you have done everything in your power to guarantee the best possible service.

  1. Take advantage of the newsletter

Your newsletter subscribers have signed up voluntarily because they have most likely become attached to your brand or have a positive buying experience after benefiting from your offer. This will make them much more likely to leave a review. You can ask them to do so in one of the messages. 

  1. Share positive reviews

You can share the feedback you receive on one platform in several other places, such as your website. If customers see that other people are giving you feedback, they will be inclined to do the same. People tend to replicate the behavior of others according to the theory of social proof. Take advantage of it. 

  1. Reply to each review

Your responses to reviews will prove to other customers that you are actively managing online communications and encourage them to leave their own feedback. 

You already know how you can get customer feedback on your brand or your offer. So let’s move on to discuss practical tips to help you manage them effectively. 

4 ways to manage customer feedback

No matter what type of business you have, you should have a strategy in place to manage customer feedback so you can get the most out of it. If you are just getting started with online reviews, the following tips may be very useful for you. 

Schedule time to manage reviews on a regular basis

As a business owner (or manager), you are certainly a very busy person. However, it is important that you regularly take the time to respond to your customers’ reviews. The key to success is regularity. Try to respond to feedback as quickly as possible. Some online platforms allow you to set up notifications so that you will be notified immediately when you receive a new review. Take advantage of this opportunity. 

Quick responses will make your customers feel important and even more connected to your brand. More importantly, responding quickly helps avoid the damage to your company’s reputation that could result from leaving negative reviews unanswered.

Turn negative comments into opportunities

This is not always possible, but in many cases responding to a negative comment can make an Internet user change or delete it. According to consumer research, as many as 33% of respondents who received a response after writing a negative review turned it into a positive one, and 34% of them deleted the original review. 

When responding to negative reviews, try to remain professional and show understanding towards the customer. You can also offer some form of compensation if the Internet user’s dissatisfaction is due to your fault. Remember that customers are usually not looking for perfection. They expect a sincere and caring response. 

Even if your efforts don’t change the comment, a well-worded response can make your brand perceived as honest and understanding in the eyes of potential customers.

Always say thank you for leaving a review

Whether the feedback is positive or negative, thank your customers for taking the time to write a comment. After all, negative reviews can be a great opportunity to make significant changes in your company. In turn, when you respond to a positive comment, you prove to your customers that you are grateful to them for leaving it. After all, it is through their comments that your online reputation is built. You can address the issues that were raised in the comment in your response to personalize your message. 

Create a bank of responses to reviews

Think about what type of feedback your customers are likely to give you, and then carefully consider and plan your company’s response. It may be helpful to analyze comments posted on competitor sites. However, remember to tailor your response to the customer’s comment each time so that it is personalized and feels authentic. Pre-prepared answers should only serve as templates. Adjust them accordingly before publishing. 

The answer bank is useful for many reasons. You will be able to provide answers to your customers much faster and remain professional and consistent with your brand image. The response bank also allows you to deal with negative comments much better. Criticism can be difficult to take, but with proper preparation, you will be able to respond to the opinion without undue emotion. 

Take advantage of all available opportunities

By following the tips above, you will be able to effectively manage your customers’ feedback and effectively build your online reputation. There is no doubt that soliciting customer comments and working with reviews requires both time and attention. 

Fortunately, more and more tools are appearing on the market, allowing you to manage all the reviews you receive from a single dashboard. For example, what remains at the disposal of companies already using Center.ai is the Local Review Booster – a tool that collects, analyzes, and monitors all customer feedback received, allowing entrepreneurs to understand the expectations and needs of their customers. The possibilities are many, and with the right tools and strategies in place, managing reviews will no longer be a challenge for you.